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Donskoy sphynx (Cat)

The Donskoy is the result of a spontaneous mutation that originated in the city of Rostov-on-Don in Russia in 1987.

Domestic Shorthair, not a member of a recognized breed

Shape: Medium sized modified wedge with flat forehead and finely outlined cheek-bones and eyebrows. The head is approximately 1/3 longer than it is wide. Just above and between the eyes is a palpable indentation.
Ears: Large, wide open, wide at the base, set upright and tilted slightly forward, neither low nor on top of the head. Set wide apart, about the width of the ear base. Outer edges of the ears continue the line of the head. Ear tips are rounded.
Eyes: Medium to large size in proportion to head size, almond-shaped, set slanted toward outer corner of ear. Not wide open. No relationship between eye color and coat color. Eyebrows may be whole, broken or totally absent.
Muzzle/Chin: The muzzle is clearly defined, of medium length in proportion to head size, slightly rounded, with a slight pinch. Canine teeth are long, may be protruding from behind the upper lip. Chin and jaws are well-developed. Whiskers may be curly, thick, broken, long or short, sparse or appear to be completely absent from breakage.
Profile: Shows a definite curve to the straight nose of medium length, similar to a roman profile. Neck: Medium in length in proportion to body size, rounded and well muscled. The neck arches from the base of the skull and is well set into angulated shoulders. Powerful, especially in males.

Torso: Medium in size. Medium to medium-long in length, dense, muscular, strong-boned, with wide breast and croup. Deep groin-line. The abdomen is wellrounded, having the appearance of recently eaten a large meal, but not fat. Medium boning. Hard and muscular, not delicate. The male has stud jowls, a thicker neck, wider shoulders, and a broader head than the female. The male is more muscular and gets significantly larger than the female. Legs: Length in proportion with body, with medium boning and firm musculature. Hind legs slightly longer than front. Front legs widely set. Females may have slightly finer boning. Feet: Medium in size, oval with long slender toes. Toes are very long, slim and distinguished with thumbs that bend inward rather than downward on the front paws giving the appearance of slender hands (monkey fingers). Webs separate the long toes. Paw pads are thick and cushion-like giving the appearance of walking on clouds.
Tail: Whippy. Medium long, straight, tapering from body to tip. Length in proportion to body size. Young cats can have hair on their tails disappearing by the age of two. Older cats may have some residual fluff-hairs on the tail tip which is allowable although bald is preferred.

COAT: Skin is elastic,excessive, with pronounced wrinkles on the cheeks, jowls and under the chin. Vertical wrinkles separate the ears and run down the forehead and spread into horizontal lines above the eyes. Wrinkles are also found at the base of the neck, in the breast area, at the base of the tail, on the front and undersides of the legs, down the sides of Revised 05/01/06 Donskoy Breed Standard, 05/01/2006 the body to the underbelly and groin; the more wrinkles the better. Adults should retain as many wrinkles as possible, although wrinkling should not be so pronounced that it affects normal functions. Allowable residual flock coat on the whole body as well as short sparse fur on the muzzle, ear and legs. Allowance is to be made for residual fur on the points - muzzle, ears, legs and tail. The residual fur must fully disappear from adult cats by two years of age. Allowance will be made for sparse furnishing of fur trimming the whole body in winter. Slight down hair is tolerated. Full hairlessness is preferable. The texture of the bald and some of the flock coated cats offers resistance when their skin is stroked; it is similar to stroking a chamois. The texture of the velour is smooth and soft, offering no resistance.
Coat Types: Born Bald: Born bald and remain that way throughout its life. Show coat.
Flocked: Appears hairless; has the texture of a chamois. Show coat. Velour: Born with a bald spot or Monk’s cap on the top of the head. Body is covered with a wavy coat which disappears gradually within the first year. There may be some residual hair remaining on the face, legs and tail, but most are usually hairless by 2 years of age. Show coat. Brush: Bristly, soft, wavy, often wiry fur on the whole body; bald area on the head, upper part of neck or on the back. Admissible for breeding program but not for show.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Donskoy is the result of a spontaneous mutation that originated in the city of Rostov-on-Don in Russia in 1987. The gene occurring from this spontaneous mutation is dominant and resulted in the first truly hairless cat. Donskoys are quite elegant and sturdy with strong boning. Males as a rule are generally larger than females. The Donskoy is a very intriguing, unique, soft-hearted and social cat of medium size with soft hairless wrinkled skin that feels hot and velvety to the touch. The Donskoy is very active, friendly and highly intelligent. The Donskoy is very good-natured and gentle, easy to groom and handle as a result of their loving and amiable disposition.

ALLOWANCES: Lockets and white buttons

Head: Too short or round; long narrow wedge. Lack of wrinkles. Small or low set ears. Round eyes.
Body: Too cobby or foreign. Round paws, thin skin and/or not enough wrinkles. Standing tail that curls a total circle over the back (ring tail); sitting tail that does not hold close to the body or is laying straight along side the body. Significant amounts of hair above the ankle.

DISQUALIFY: Any indication of wavy hair, or suggestion of Devon Rex or Cornish Rex in molt; any evidence of depilitating, plucking, shaving or clipping, or any other means of hair removal. One or both eyelids turned inward. Malocclusion greater than 2mm.

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