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Majorca shepherd dog is a intelligent and thoughtful, protective dog
FCI-Standard N° 321 / 30. 08. 2002 (Dutch / Ned. standaard)
MAJORCA SHEPHERD DOG (Ca de Bestiar - Perro de pastor mallorquín)
ORIGIN : Spain.
Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs).
Section 1 Sheepdogs.
Without working trial.
Head: Sharply defined.
Eyes: Set wide, small and round in size.
Ears: Left natural.
Muzzle: Medium size and well proportioned to head.
Nose: Black and self-colored according to coat.
Bite: Scissors or level.
Neck: Short and strong.
Topline: Level.
Chest: Deep and broad, with well sprung ribs.
Body: Back is straight and strong, with loins muscular.
Legs: Forelegs are straight and strong. Hind legs are muscular with hocks and stifles well bent.
Feet: Small and compact, with arched toes and hard pads.
Tail: Undocked.
Coat: Shorthaired or longhaired.
Colour: Black.
Size: Dogs 66-73 cm; bitches 62-68 cm.
There is a tolerance of + 1 cm.
Weight: 35-40 kg (77-88 lbs.).
- Heigth at the croup 71 cm.
- Heigth at the chest 39 cm.
- Longitudinal diameter 71 cm.
. Total lenght of head 26 cm.
. Lenght of the foreface 13 cm.
. Lenght of the skull 13 cm.
- Lenght of the neck 26 cm.
- Lenght of the ear 13 cm.
- Lenght of the tail 52 cm.
- Alzada al corvejón 23 cm.
- Lenght of the hair at loin:
- Variety short hair 2 cm.
- Variety long hair 7 cm.
- Width of the head 15 cm.
- Perimeter of the chest 81 / 83 cm.
- Width of the chest 26 cm.
- Perimeter of the neck 49 cm.
Movement: Swift and very agile, with flowing gait.
Temperament: Intelligent and thoughtful, protective.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.